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How to Write And Published Your Own Book

New ebook!

From the Desk of: Moses Ohwovwohwo
Would you like to GET PAID to write a book?

If you're thinking this is plain fantasy, think again. All professional writers get paid to write their books.

How? They sell their books via proposals before they write the books.

How to Write and Publish Your Own Books

What’s a book proposal?

A book proposal is a document which convinces a publisher to buy your book before you've written it. Your proposal says, in effect: "Hey, I've got a great idea for a book which lots of people will want to buy. Do you want to publish it?"
Think of it as a combination brochure and outline of your proposed book.

You CAN sell your book the easy way --- sell a proposal

It's easily possible to make a fast $10,000, or even a six figure amount. You could even make seven figures --- over a million dollars for twenty pages of text. 

It sounds incredible, but a fast seven figures is certainly possible if you have aHOT, hot idea or have had an experience that hundreds of thousands of people want to read about.

In his 2001 book about writing non-fiction, Damn! Why Didn't I Write That?, author Marc McCutcheon says that it's not hard to make a good income writing non-fiction: "you can learn the trade and begin making a respectable income much faster than most people think possible".

Do you need experience to sell a book on proposal?

No! You just need a good proposal. :-)

"How to Write and Publish Your Own Books"  shows you how to go from idea to completed book proposal in seven short days.

Imagine --- in seven days, you could be sending your proposal to agents and editors!

The ebook includes everything you need to know. Just follow the easy steps. It even includes a sample proposal, which got a contract from an agent immediately it was sent out.

You can do it too!

Here's what you'll discover in "How to Write and Publish Your Own Books"

Day One: What’s a book proposal? Develop an idea for your book

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This Incredible Package 
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After payment complete book will be mail to you instantly. 


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